"Pokud AMD nikomu neslibila, ze na deskach B450 pojede 4.0, tak nemohla ani nic porusit. "
"Jak bylo oficiálně přislíbeno, budou tyto procesory jako první ve sféře PC umět technologii PCI Express 4.0. Ale kupodivu pro tuto novinku nebudou nutné nové desky. Podpora této generace PCI Expressu se údajně bude dát zapnout i na starších deskách platformy AM4."
"We spoke with AMD representatives, who confirmed that 300- and 400-series AM4 motherboards can support PCIe 4.0. AMD will not lock the out feature, instead it will be up to motherboard vendors to validate and qualify the faster standard on its motherboards on a case-by-case basis. Motherboard vendors that do support the feature will enable it through BIOS updates, but those updates will come at the discretion of the vendor. As mentioned below, support could be limited to slots based upon board, switch, and mux layouts."