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Odpovídáte na názor k článku AMD odhaluje Vegu: poprvé od GCN nová architektura, lepší IPC i takty. Názory mohou přidávat pouze registrovaní uživatelé.

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  • 7. 1. 2017 4:39

    Erriel (neregistrovaný)

    Redaktor Videocardz vs jeden užívateľ. Hádam pre niekoho prínosné.

    TristanSDX • 15 hours ago
    Something from green camp ?
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    WhyCry VideoCardz.com TristanSDX • 15 hours ago
    1080Ti was meant to be shown at CES, but NVIDIA pushed it back. At least that's what I heard.
    Even Gigabyte is begging Jensen to launch 1080 ti..

    A Glass of Water WhyCry • 15 hours ago
    Was the source of that legit or just offering hypotheticals?
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    WhyCry VideoCardz.com A Glass of Water • 15 hours ago
    I usually don't listen to speculation. For sure it wouldn't be considered as a source.
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    A Glass of Water WhyCry • 15 hours ago
    Thanks for the reply. Y'know, that one comment has proven that Nvidia really is a bit well - shocked, I think is the right word, about Vega. I'm pretty sure NV just assumed AMD would shrink FIJI and make another Fury X with HBM2

    IMO of course.
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    WhyCry VideoCardz.com A Glass of Water • 15 hours ago
    I think they learned Vega10 is really close performance wise and decided to tune it up a bit. Well, technically they had no reason to launch it now, other than actually making their presentation interesting.