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Odpovídáte na názor k článku AMD potvrdilo, že vydá ještě highendové GPU generace Navi. Během „budoucích čtvrtletí“. Názory mohou přidávat pouze registrovaní uživatelé.

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  • 4. 8. 2019 18:25

    Maudit (neregistrovaný)

    Vazne? Techspot neodebral Forzu 4? Ehm. Reality check :D

    " If we remove the Forza outlier, "
    " Again it enjoyed that big Forza Horizon 4 result,"
    " It was just 4% slower than the GeForce when we removed the Forza Horizon 4 result."

    Asi tak. Muzete se vztekat, jak chcete :D

    "Aznohh 3.8.2019 at 23:14"
    "Moje měření je metodicky přesné a výsledkově shodné s THW."
    " importoval do excelu a průměry jsou 80.1/74.6/68.5″"

    "Maudit 4.8.2019 at 0:38"
    "RTX 2070S vs 5700XT
    80.1 / 74.6 = 1.07372 tzn. 7.4%, clanek ale rika: ” The GeForce RTX 2070 Super does serve up average frame rates 6.9% higher than Radeon RX 5700 XT” ????

    5700XT vs RTX2060S
    74.6 / 68.5 = 1.0890 tzn. 8.9%, clanek ale rika: “Radeon RX 5700 XT averages 9.9%-higher frame rates than the GeForce RTX 2060 Super.”

    Nejak ti to nevychazi Time."

    Jen takova rekapitulace ;)

    "Ztrapnění za ztrapněním, lež za lží a Maudit stále bojuje předem prohranou bitvu. ????"

    Opet ta tvoje potreba se obhajovat :D Na 99% procent tenhle thread uz stejne nikdo dalsi necte. Takze netusim, koho se snazis presvedcit. Kdo chtel, davno si to spocital a vi, ze jsi trubka. Kdo ne, ten uz davno prestal cist. Me uplne bohate staci, ze moc dobre vite, v jakym srabu nove vydany karty jsou. Bez Forzy 4 testy prakticky vsude vychazi RTX2070S 10% nad 5700XT a RTX2060S 5% pod.

    Jeste pro legraci (a ciste pro vase jeste silnejsi navraceni do reality) pridavam link na Gamers Nexus recenzi :D Tam je to opravdu perla za perlou :D

    "With a trivial overclock on the RTX 2060 Super, and ours is one of the worst overclockers you can ask for, it manages to tie the 5700XT" :D

    "Now it's becoming clear why AMD drops the price. This wasn't some 5D chess/mental gymnastics. This was a requirement and something that we confirmed, speaking with people inside of the companies that work with AMD and also AMD". :D :D :D

    "AMD's Radeon group can't seem to learn from its past mistakes and has launched yet another product with broken drivers. This is our benchmark of the AMD RX 5700 XT." :D :D :D

    "Amusingly, applying a +50% power offset actually does what it suggests and increases power consuption by 54%. It's not worth the 3-4 fps that we gain on average." :D :D :D

    "Also considering, what a RTX 2080ti can get done for the same amount of power, it highlights that Navi has difficulties scaling performance with higher power consumption". :D :D :D

    "Gaming performance is up and down. It's like a tennis match. It's fairly competitive in some of the titles AFTER the price reduction is taken into account." :D :D :D

    "The Navi card is a let down. It required a process shrink to become competitive with Nvidia and the power is still higher on average." :D :D :D

    - Steve Burke, Editor-in-chief, Gamers Nexus

    Ja se vubec nedivim, ze se snazite tak vehementne nasadit vase reality distortion field. Navi je totiz stejnej prusvih jako Vega, jen na 7nm. A porad nema akceleraci raytracingu a AI ;)