Názor k článku AMD potvrdilo, že vydá ještě highendové GPU generace Navi. Během „budoucích čtvrtletí“ od Maudit - Jo aha, ty koukas na ten "novej" boost...

  • 4. 8. 2019 18:36

    Maudit (neregistrovaný)

    Jo aha, ty koukas na ten "novej" boost clock, na kterej ta karta realne nikdy nedosahne? :D

    Opet z Gamers Nexus recenze:

    "What AMD has done, it they rebranded their clocks, because if you don't like the numbers, you invent new ones." :D :D :D

    "peak clock, which is not realistic"
    "Game Clock means basically the same thing as Nvidia's boost clock. Peak clock [ten novej "boost clock"] you should ignore. [...] So that's the marketing side explained".

    Takze fakt ne hele. Tohle nezachranis :D