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  • 7. 11. 2018 22:11

    Maudit (neregistrovaný)

    Kde se ve whitepaperu pise neco o spatial filtru? Kde se tam pise neco o tom, ze to neni temporal DNN? DOKAZ CO RIKAS!

    Naopak, jasne se tam pise, ze stejne jako TAA, DLSS kombinuje obraz z vice snimku, ale inteligentneji - cast mezi hvezdickami:

    "Finally, Figure 24 illustrates one of the challenging cases for multi frame image enhancement. In this case, a semi-transparent screen floats in front of a background that is moving differently. TAA tends to blindly follow the motion vectors of the moving object, blurring the detail on the screen. DLSS is able to recognize that changes in the scene are more complex and *combines the inputs in a more intelligent way that avoids the blurring issue*."
    https://www.nvidia.com/content/dam/en-zz/Solutions/design-visualization/technologies/turing-architecture/NVIDIA-Turing-Architecture-Whitepaper.pdf (strana 35 dole)

    Opet siris alternativni fakta. Whitepaper nic nevyvratil. Whitepaper naopak potvrzuje moje tvrzeni, stejne jako tvrzeni Jensena Huanga (sefa Nvidie) a mnoha reputable webu (narozdil od cnews.cz, ktery neustale potapis).