Odpovídáte na názor k článku Opravné BIOSy pro Ryzen 3000 jsou tady. Také ale vypínají PCIe 4.0 na starších deskách. Názory mohou přidávat pouze registrovaní uživatelé.
"The results you will yield from the overclocks will be smaller with default faster-clocked procs though. Intel has pushed the 9000 series pretty far already, and they did sharpen the Turbos as well. So, a lot of the time you're already close to that 5 GHz marker with the faster processors."
- Guru3D, https://www.guru3d.com/articles_pages/intel_core_i9_9900k_processor_review,23.html
"It is acceptable for Intel CPUs to turbo past the power limit figures for defined periods. Power Limit 2, for example, can be exceeded for up to 100 seconds. Power Limit 4 can be held for 10ms. In either scenario, the CPU may burst to ~120W under some loads, but will fall back to 95W within the turbo duration."
- Gamers Nexus, https://www.gamersnexus.net/guides/3389-intel-tdp-investigation-9900k-violating-turbo-duration-z390
Power levels:
PL1/PsysPL1 - "Power could sustain here forever"
PL2/PsysPL2 - "Power could sustain here up to 100s"
PL3/PL4 - 10ms