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Odpovídáte na názor k článku Finanční výsledky Nvidie: nejhorší teprv přijde, v Q3 se prodeje grafik propadnou o tři čtvrtě miliardy. Názory mohou přidávat pouze registrovaní uživatelé.

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  • 26. 8. 2022 20:19

    Jan Olšan

    Nvidia: "Our strategy is to reduce the sell-in this quarter and next quarter to let channel inventory correct. Obviously, we’re off the highs, and the macro condition turned sharply worse. And so, our first strategy is to reduce sell-in in the next couple of quarters to correct channel inventory. We’ve also instituted programs to price position our current products to prepare for next-generation products."

    "We expect Gaming and ProViz revenue to decline sequentially as OEMs and channel partners reduce inventory levels to align with current levels of demand and prepare for our new product generation."
    "And so we have -- and because we were building for such a vibrant market, we found ourselves with excess inventory."
    "The first thing I would say, Aaron, is that we are selling in or we're selling far below the market demand, far -- excuse me, far below the market sell-through. And the reason for that is to allow the inventory, the channel inventory and the OEM inventories to correct."
    "We're navigating our supply chain transitions in a challenging macro environment. In Gaming, our partners and ecosystem are responding to a sudden slowdown in consumer demand and correcting channel inventory."

    TLNote: Inventory means skladové zásoby