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Odpovídáte na názor k článku Nový highendový Radeon má architekturu RDNA2, ale AMD chystá i refresh Navi. Názory mohou přidávat pouze registrovaní uživatelé.

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  • 30. 1. 2020 7:12

    del42sa (neregistrovaný)

    refresh žádný nebude :

    Due to reports of both Navi refresh cards and a new lineup of cards based on next-gen RDNA, we followed up with AMD's communications team.

    AMD responded that it would introduce new GPUs with the next-gen RDNA architecture this year, which makes sense given recent statements that the company will compete in the high end of the graphics market.

    As to Su's reference to a Navi refresh, we're told she was speaking in terms of new additions to the product stack, and not stating that refreshed Navi cards would come with the next-gen RDNA architecture.
    In the context of Su's statement, it doesn't appear that she was referencing a "refreshed" lineup of Navi cards analogous to the tech community's typical understanding of the term. Instead, we will see new products based on the next-gen RDNA architecture come to market, ostensibly to address the high end of the GPU market (Big Navi).
