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Názor k článku Intel potvrdil big.LITTLE architekturu procesorů Alder Lake. Prý přinese obří skok ve výkonu od Jan Olšan - "Alderlake – it was only a small part...

  • 17. 8. 2020 14:31

    Jan Olšan (neregistrovaný)

    "Alderlake – it was only a small part of our Architecture Day event, but it’s the biggest architecture movement since the Core architecture in 2006. It’s a huge leap and will be very exciting. I'm a PC enthusiast myself and I'm very excited by what Alder Lake will offer.

    We haven’t always delivered content creator-level performance, or at the very least you would have to choose between one platform and another, but with Alder Lake and hybrid technology, you can get both great gaming performance and content creation performance at the same time.

    This hasn't been possible in the past as the transistor types that do these things best are very different. Our advanced packaging will allow us to do that with Alder Lake.
    " (ten link na Forbes)

    Zajímavá je ta zmínka o advanced packaging, jako by byl použitý i Foveros/čiplety... uvidíme.