Odpověď na názor

Odpovídáte na názor k článku Cena Intel Core i9-9900KS bude asi něco přes 17 tisíc, už se objevuje v eshopech. Názory mohou přidávat pouze registrovaní uživatelé.

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  • 28. 9. 2019 10:27

    mvladar (neregistrovaný)

    To je potrebné upresnit, Ryzeny 3xxx majú dva povolené limity TDP. Procesory s krabicovým TDP 65W majú limit 88W, vyššie modely s TDP 105W majú 142W.

    Package Power Tracking (PPT): The power threshold that is allowed to be delivered to the socket.
    This is 88W for 65W TDP processors, and 142W for 105W TDP processors.
    Thermal Design Current (TDC): The maximum amount of current delivered by the motherboard’s voltage regulators when under thermally constrained scenarios (high temperatures)
    This is 60A for 65W TDP processors, and 95A for 105W TDP processors.
    Electrical Design Current (EDC): This is the maximum amount of current at any instantaneous short period of time that can be delivered by the motherboard’s voltage regulators.
    This is 90A for 65W TDP processors, and 140A for 105W TDP processors.