Odpovídáte na názor k článku Intel už rozesílá vzorky desetijádrových procesorů Comet Lake-S. GPU je beze změn. Názory mohou přidávat pouze registrovaní uživatelé.
Prvni pouzitelny NVENC pro streaming je az verze, ktera prisla s RTX kartami a ta stale nedosahuje kvality lepsiho enkodingu pres CPU.
"If all things are equal, I would now choose NVENC. Having clear text and fewer visual artifacts during fast motion is a big improvement. X264 isn’t awful, but at 6 Mbps, NVENC has the advantages that are more important for a livestream."
But all things aren’t equal. This new NVENC is only on RTX cards at the moment, and those are expensive. The RTX 2070 is coming soon for $600, but that’s twice as much as an AMD Ryzen 7 2700X. And a $300 CPU like the 2700X has 8 core with hyperthreading, which means it’s great for playing games and livestreaming at the same time. You likely won’t get much of a performance hit in most games while broadcasting on a chip like that."
But if we’re doing a cost-benefit analysis, I would never suggest you get an RTX card just for NVENC. Instead, save your money and get a 6-core-plus recent-generation CPU."
Tady neco pro Mauditka a dalsi, kteri si oblibily slovicko "Nvenc" a placaji s tim jako kdyby honili mouchy..
Je to sice z lonskeho roku, kdy jeste nevysly levnejsi RTXka, ale to co clanek uvadi je celkem zrejme. Kdo ma RTX a staci mu kvalita NVENC, tak proc ne. Kdo nema, nebo vyzaduje kvalitnejsi vystup, stejne sahne po lepsim CPU s vice jadry. Kdo ma Pascal a starsi nebo AMD, bude pravdepodobne pouzivat CPU tak jako tak.