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Názor k článku Gelsinger přitáhl do Intelu zpět otce procesorů Nehalem, Pentium Pro, RISC… a Pentia 4 od gogo1963 - "Gelsinger also commented that "we are committed to...

  • 22. 1. 2021 5:17

    gogo1963 (neregistrovaný)

    "Gelsinger also commented that "we are committed to innovation and delivering the best products in every market we compete in." Gelsinger says his overhaul of the company will focus on four key areas: Leadership products, 'maniacal execution,' innovation, and restoring the "transparent, data-driven culture" cultivated by former Intel CEO Andy Grove.
    Gelsinger commented that he will make key leadership changes and that other leaders will come back to the company, much like the news that Glenn Hinton has re-joined Intel. "

    vypadá to, že má volnou ruku :D