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  • 28. 9. 2013 11:06

    del42sa (neregistrovaný)

    Myslíte, že těch 15 pinů z můstků crossfire opravdu mohlo mít nějaký zásadní vliv na velikost jádra ? :o)

    "Originally Posted by Anand Lal Shimpi

    When ATI first talked about the Radeon HD 4870 X2 they told us about a feature called Sideport. It was a port off each RV770 GPU that could be used for GPU-to-GPU communication.

    The whole point of doing CrossFire in alternate frame rendering mode (AFR) is that the chips never have to talk. The minute you have to start synchronizing them, you kill performance. Sideport was supposed to alleviate that.

    Unfortunately, due to power reasons, Sideport was never used on the 4870 X2. ATI’s reference design had it disabled and all vendors followed suit.

    Sideport was Carrell Killebrew’s favorite feature, and he had to give it up.
    In early 2008 ATI realized they had to cut this chip down from 20 - 22mm on a side to 18mm, everyone had to give up something. Carrell was the big advocate for making 870 smaller, he couldn’t be a hypocrite and not give anything up.

    A bunch of my conversation with Carrell at this point had to go off the record. Sideport would have been useful in RV870, but it’s unfortunately not there. Although he did tell me not to be surprised if I saw Sideport again at some point. Carrell doesn’t give up easily."