Koukam, ze tady jsou sami odbornici. Proboha naucte se cist, nez neco placnete. Vzdyt je tam jasne napsano, ze:
1) "Converted app packages contain a registry.dat file, which serves as the logical equivalent of HKLM\Software in the real registry."
2) "All writes under HKCU are copy-on-written to a private per-user, per-app location. This provides the same benefits as the bridge's handling of the file system with respect to uninstall cleanup."
To znamena, ze registry pro aplikace prevedene do Store pres UWP jsou simulovane. Nactou skutecne registry a v sandboxu aplikace k nim pridaji privatni zaznamy dane aplikace. Do skutecnych registru se ale nikdy nic nezapisuje, vsechny zmeny se ulozi zas jen do te skoukrome kopie dane aplikace (a dokonce pro kazdeho uzivatele zvlast).