Názor k článku Nvidia zprovozní podporu pro ray tracing na grafikách Pascal a Turing bez RT jader od hnizdo - Predevsim, test CB nedokazuje, ze neco jako problem...

  • 19. 3. 2019 13:39

    hnizdo (neregistrovaný)

    Predevsim, test CB nedokazuje, ze neco jako problem 6Gb muze existovat. Nikdo test neoveril, je bugly pracuje s malym vzorkem. Zadna redakce pracujici s rametimes a poskytujici prubehy frametimes v grafu zavery CB nepotvrdila, naopak gamersnexus chvalil 2060ku za hladke prubehy i ve 4k. A GN jinak k nvidii kritikou nesetri.

    Co hnizdo dokazal, je presne toto:

    It's clear that right now, even for 4K gaming, 6GB of VRAM really is enough. At some point games are absolutely going to require more than 6GB of VRAM for best visuals.
    The question is, by the time that happens will the RTX 2060 be powerful enough to provide playable performance using those settings? It’s almost certainly not going to be an issue this year and I doubt it will be a real problem next year. Maybe in 3 years, you might have to start managing some quality settings then, 4 years probably, and I would say certainly in 5 years time.

    Tohle, nic vic a nic mene. Ze tromboza jako obvykle vklada druhym do ust svoje faAticke lzi je bezne, ale ignorovatelne.