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Názor k článku Nvidia brzo vydá grafiku GeForce RTX 2060, bude mít GPU s 1920 stream procesory od Maudit - Jako treba tady, kde jasne rikaji, ze DLSS...

  • 14. 12. 2018 3:02

    Maudit (neregistrovaný)

    Jako treba tady, kde jasne rikaji, ze DLSS je vic nez upscaling?

    "So yeah, while DLSS is a re-construction technique, it’s more than just upscaling the image from a lower resolution to 4K."

    Nebo tady, kde rikaji, ze obrazova kvalita DLSS je vyrazne lepsi, nez upscaling?

    "There was also a report suggesting that DLSS simply upscales the image from 1440p, however image quality is way better with DLSS than from simply using a 1440p resolution and then upscaling it in 4K."

    To mi teda fakt nevadi :D