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  • 8. 11. 2016 16:56

    KrteCZeq (neregistrovaný)

    To není zcela přesné, tenhle EULA dokument se vztahuje pouze na GeForce Experience a jak již bylo řečeno, telemetry services se instalují i když zakážete instalaci GFE

    V hlavním EULA dokumentu, který se zobrazuje i při instalaci ovladačů je uvedeno toto:

    When you use our Services, we may collect "Personal information", which is any information that can be used to identify a particular individual which can include traditional identifiers such as name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and non-traditional identifiers such as unique device identifiers and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.

    We may collect personal information that you or other users give us (e.g. your contact details or your comments or opinions), allow us to receive either through your preferences in your devices (e.g. location data) or browser or from third parties such as social networks (e.g. your public profile information) or through use of our Services (e.g. the pages you visit)

    ...We may from time to time share your Personal Information with our business partners, resellers, affiliates, service providers, consulting partners and others in order to provide our Services to you.

    Takže ano, nVidia sbírá osobní informace a sdílí je se subjekty třetí strany.