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nVidia se raduje: Intel má problémy

17. 12. 2009


Zdroj: Redakce

Poté co se Intel raději dohodl s AMD, což skončilo „jen“ vyplacením jedné a čtvrt miliardy amerických dolarů, a odložil projekt Larrabee k ledu, se na něj valí další velký problém: žaloba od Federal Trade Commission (u nás Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže) křemíkového giganta označuje za ošklivě se chovající společnosti zneužívající svého monopolu, na což prý doplácí pokrok i uživatelé. Slovíčko prý je přitom důležité, neboť existuje něco jako presumpce neviny. Podrobnosti o žalobě najdete v tomto článku na CNET.com.

Nvidia už několik měsíců šije do Intelu karikaturami a teď se směje. Jen aby se smála naposledy...

Na žalobu FTC zareagoval Jen-Hsun Huang a svým zaměstnancům (a možná i přímo nějakým novinářům) poslal níže citovaný rozradostněný dopis. V něm považuje krok FTC za ěnco, co možná změní celý počítačový průmysl a na adresu Intelu hned vysypal, že hraje nefér, zneužívá monopolu k nelegálnímu brzdění inovací a hlavně vůbec nechytil vlak s nápisem GPU.

Hi everyone,

The U.S. government announced today that it has filed an antitrust lawsuit against Intel. This is an action the industry needs and one that consumers deserve. And it's one that can completely transform the computer industry.

The facts are clear. The FTC has charged that Intel has used its monopoly illegally to stifle innovation, to keep prices for their products inflated, and to unfairly block competitors. The FTC believes that millions of consumers have paid more and received less quality in return--and that companies and their employees have been forced out of markets where Intel has been threatened.

Intel is fully aware that great graphics have become one of the most important features for consumer PCs, the fastest-growing segment of the PC market. Even more alarming to Intel is the revolutionary parallel computing technology in our GPUs that is being adopted by software developers across the world. The more successful we became, the bigger threat we were to Intel's monopoly. Instead of creating competitive GPU solutions and competing on the merits of their products, Intel has resorted to unlawful acts to stop us. The FTC announced today that this isn't acceptable.

Nothing this complicated gets decided quickly. It will take months for the FTC case to be heard by an administrative judge who will then recommend a ruling back to the FTC. And it's possible that this decision could be appealed. But today is a huge step forward for all of us that will begin to re-level the playing field.

Today's FTC announcement highlights the industry-changing impact of the GPU and the importance of our work. Our innovation is making the PC magical and amazing again. I can now imagine the day when Intel can no longer block consumers from enjoying our creation and experience computing in a way we know is possible.

Keep innovating...



Zdroje: CNET, Intelinsides (Nvidia)

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