Ono je v originalnim clanku mnohem vic veci "jinak". Treba se tam nikde nemluvi o tom, ze se najednou z DLSS stava temporalni sit. DLSS uz temporalni davno je. Pouze ze zjistili, ze diky nekterym temporalnim artefaktum, ktere by jinak odstranili jako chybu (doslova "bug") dokazou stavajici obraz vylepsit. Ostatne, udelejte si obrazek sami (dporocuju precist puvodni clanek cely):
"During our research, we found that certain temporal artifacts can be used to infer details in an image. Imagine, an artifact we’d normally classify as a “bug,” actually being used to fill in lost image details. With this insight, we started working on a new AI research model that used these artifacts to recreate details that would otherwise be lost from the final frame."