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Odpovídáte na názor k článku Opět únik roadmapy AMD. 7nm Epyc a PCIe 4.0 bude za rok, Ryzeny v roce 2019, APU 2020. Názory mohou přidávat pouze registrovaní uživatelé.

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  • 27. 9. 2017 15:23

    del42sa (neregistrovaný)

    to určitě nebylo, GPU část Carriza vychází z GPU Tonga/Fiji. A Bristol Ridge jen updatoval memory controler a patici na AM4.

    "For the A-series parts, integrated graphics is the name of the game. AMD configures the integrated graphics in terms of Compute Units (CUs), with each CU having 64 streaming processors (SPs) using GCN 1.3 (aka GCN 3.0) architecture, the same architecture as found in AMD’s R9 Fury line of GPUs. The lowest processor in the stack, the A6-9500E, will have four CUs for 256 SPs, and the A12 APUs will have eight CUs, for 512 SPs. The other processors will have six CUs for 384 SPs, and in each circumstance the higher TDP processor typically has the higher base and turbo frequency."
