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  • 22. 7. 2021 16:23

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    mj. pres translator
    At the time of a GeForce GTX 1080 FTW and the lack of control options, this may still have made sense, but with a GeForce RTX 3090 this solution is actually completely obsolete. TMON, i.e. the temperatures of the Smart Power Stages, can be read out exactly in microsecond intervals and the GDDR6X RAM also offers the possibility of direct logging. No manufacturer is therefore required to organize such pull-ups in order to design a suitable fan control. This is exactly where NVIDIA learned something new and solves the problem almost perfectly even without such additional gimmicks.
    There are also countless security mechanisms on the Turing and Ampere cards that monitor currents and temperatures. So you don't need this solution at all, because measuring in the chip (NVIDIA) is still more precise than next to the chip (EVGA), especially since the sensors used are very slow.