Odpověď na názor

Odpovídáte na názor k článku Ray tracing v Battlefieldu V funguje i bez RT jader. Titan V není o moc horší než Turing. Názory mohou přidávat pouze registrovaní uživatelé.

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  • 3. 1. 2019 15:25


    Na stránkach NV k Turingu som našiel ich zoznam funkcionalít, ktoré vedia na RTX rade akcelerovať:

    Turing GPUs can accelerate ray tracing techniques used in many of the following rendering and non-rendering operations:

    ▶ Reflections and Refractions
    ▶ Shadows and Ambient Occlusion
    ▶ Global Illumination
    ▶ Instant and off-line lightmap baking
    ▶ Beauty shots and high-quality previews
    ▶ Primary rays for foveated VR rendering
    ▶ Occlusion Culling
    ▶ Physics, Collision Detection, Particle simulations
    ▶ Audio simulation (ex., NVIDIA VRWorks Audio built on top of the OptiX API)
    ▶ AI visibility queries
    ▶ In-engine Path Tracing (non-real-time) to generate reference screenshots for tuning real-time rendering techniques and denoisers, material composition, and scene lighting.