Názor k článku Recenze GeForce GTX 1080 Ti už jsou venku. Referenční karty se začínají prodávat dnes od hnizdo - Budme presni. AS na Maxwellech funguje a pokud...

  • 13. 3. 2017 9:56

    hnizdo (neregistrovaný)

    Budme presni. AS na Maxwellech funguje a pokud jsou dodrzena nvidia best practise, prinasi to urcity benefit. AMD marketing vytvoril FUD pomoci sveho zakazkoveho technologickeho dema Ashes of Singularity, ktere je napsano namiru GCN, ze AS je neco jako must have miracle technology, kterou nvidia nema. Dneska na AS sere bilej tesak, protoze to nestoji za tu namahu, psat to na kazdou g-arch zvlast, aby to vubec bylo efektivni.


    "On the other hand, it’s quite surprising to read that even AMD cards merely got a 5-10% performance boost, especially after AMD endorsed HITMAN’s implementation as the best one yet. Async Compute, which has been used for SSAA (Screen Space Anti Aliasing), SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) and the calculation of light tiles in HITMAN, was also “super hard” to tune; according to IO Interactive, too much Async work can even make it a penalty, and then there’s also the fact that PC has lots of different configurations that need tuning."