Odpověď na názor

Odpovídáte na názor k článku Skylake-X nemá pájený rozvaděč tepla, uvnitř je už také jen pasta. A také RFID čip. Názory mohou přidávat pouze registrovaní uživatelé.

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  • 10. 6. 2017 15:31

    hnizdo (neregistrovaný)

    Ano, jiste :) Nejde o velikost cipu. Jde o objem tepla, ktery se musi z dane plochy vyzarit. SK-X je vetsi, ale teplo k vyzareni je take vetsi.
    Presto delid dokaze posunout frekvence SK-X jen o cca 200MHz.

    From my point of view Skylake-X is a pretty impressive CPU. We now have have a 10-core that's a lot cheaper than the Broadwell-E before and it clocks a lot higher. Even with the stock Intel paste I was able to reach 4.8 GHz on the CPU (i9-7900X) using Corsair 280 (mm) AIO. So there is still some headroom, I guess if you use a custom new water cooling you might be able to hit 4.9 GHz on a very very good chip without delidding. So after this test I delidded the CPU and replaced the stock TIM with liquid metal and this helped me push the CPU with an AIO to 5 GHz.

    So we had Broadwell-E before who could run like 4.3-4.4 GHz, it cost 1700€. Now we have Skylake-X which is a lot cheaper and we CAN push it to 5 GHz, so what's all this negative press about? I don't really understand it. So from my point of view this is a very impressive CPU, so we have very high single-thread performance on the 10-core and also high MT performance, which we didn't have before in a Broadwell-E (probably comparing to mainstream).

    ...I think you can maybe hit 5.1 GHz on a custom water cooling loop if you have a very very good chip. Keep in mind that this chip was already pre-tested so it's already a really good CPU. On average CPU you might be able to get 4.7-4.8 GHz if you delidded it and on a pre tested CPU 5 GHz should be possible.


    Takze se da ocekavat, ze standardni OC bez delidu na vzduchu 4.5GHz, na vode 4.8. Na desetijadru. Na osmijadrech to muze byt jeste lepsi. Takze cely humbuk okolo pasty na sk-x +200MHz. Tragedie :)