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  • 19. 4. 2013 9:52

    Black_Fox (neregistrovaný)

    "Xbox 360 nepoužívá procesor architektury x86, což znamená, že by starší tituly na novém zařízení hratelné nebyly"

    Ten článek říká něco dost jiného:

    "That detail being that every Durango ships with a Xbox 360 SOC."

    "I won't pretend to know the ins and outs of how the 360 SOC integrates into the Durango motherboard. All I know, and all I need to know about this new change is that I (or a game dev) can use the 360 SOC in parallel with the original Durango hardware."

    "What does this mean in basic terms? Well, apart from Durango having 100% BC with the 360, it also increases Durango's processing power a fair amount."

    Pozn.: BC = Backward Compatibility