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  • 5. 4. 2018 7:52

    Zann (neregistrovaný)

    Možná vydá, možná nevydá, každopádně ať je to jak chce jsou jenom dvě možnosti Rede; buď nevydá a pak je to vpořádku, tak by to prostě mělo být normálně a běžně, ale co je dneska komu do tvého soukromí že. A nebo vydá a ty se o tom buď dozvíš, nebo nedozvíš,protože tak to prostě dneska běžně funguje a kdyby sis měl lámat hlavu kdo všechno kseftuje s tvým soukromím, tak skončíš v blázinci. Mimochodem, když už jsme u toho soukromí, dneska jsem ve své schránce na Protonmailu objevil zajímavý newsletter:

    Dear Proton Community,

    We are happy to announce today the full launch of a couple of new features which make ProtonMail both more secure and easier to use.

    pm.me addresses
    Many in the ProtonMail community have been asking for a shorter, easy-to-share email address. We like to think pm.me stands for "ProtonMail me" or "private message me". All users can now add an @pm.me email address to their account by visiting mail.protonmail.com and going to Settings --> pm.me.

    If your address is john@protonmail.com, for example, you can activate john@pm.me, as that address is already reserved for you. All users will be able to receive messages at their @pm.me address, and the messages will be delivered to the same inbox as your existing addresses. For anti-spam reasons, sending from @pm.me addresses is limited to paid users.

    Encrypted contacts
    Encrypted contacts are now supported in the ProtonMail mobile apps, extending this feature to all platforms. Encrypted contacts protect your contact details aside from name and email with zero-access encryption and also digitally signs all contact data. This means your contact data is protected against unauthorized tampering, and encrypted contact details cannot be viewed by anyone other than you. Editing encrypted contact fields is a paid feature. You can learn more about the improved ProtonMail contacts here.

    IMAP/SMTP support
    In case you missed it, ProtonMail now supports IMAP/SMTP in desktop environments (Windows and MacOS now, Linux coming soon). This means you can now use ProtonMail with your favorite desktop email applications such as Apple Mail, Microsoft Outlook, or Thunderbird, while still benefiting from the end-to-end encryption and zero-access encryption that ProtonMail provides. IMAP support is now available for all paid users via the ProtonMail Bridge. You can learn more about the ProtonMail Bridge here.

    What's next?
    We have many major features planned for this year such as adding contact groups, support for hardware two-factor authentication, and improving interoperability with non-ProtonMail PGP users. ProtonMail is community-supported, so if you would like to support our mission and help us build features faster, please consider upgrading to a paid account or making a donation.

    Thanks for helping us build a more secure and private internet!

    Best Regards,
    The ProtonMail Team

    Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on the latest ProtonMail news:
    Twitter: twitter.com/ProtonMail
    Facebook: facebook.com/ProtonMail
    Instagram: instagram.com/ProtonMail
    Google+: plus.google.com/+ProtonMail
    Reddit: reddit.com/r/ProtonMail

    Tady myslím je svět ještě vpořádku, když kluci švýcarští nejsou členy žádných stupidnich paktů a bizarních unií ????