Já spíš myslím, že by jeho slova měli novináři citovat buď všechna a nebo raději nic nepsat. Nejsem překladatel, ale chápu ho úplně jinak, než třeba pan no-X.
Transcript z toho videa (víc toho neřekl):
hello and welcome to virtual Computex I'm delivering this message from my home and like many of you had been planning to be in Taipei for this year's event I want to thank mr. yeah in tetra for the opportunity to address you and commend all of the online participants for once again coming together for this critical event under the extraordinary circumstances the world faces today as mr. Yi shared compute X is an important platform that has long brought together the Taiwan technology ecosystem and our broader global technology ecosystem each year at Intel we couldn't agree more and we continue to respect and appreciate the importance of this event we also deeply value the long history of engagement and collaboration with our Taiwan ecosystem partners to create world-changing technology together that enriches lives the Cova 19 pandemic is reshaping business and personal priorities the world as we know it is changing and creating new challenges for technology including supporting the new normal at work keeping people connected and using the explosion of data more effectively to solve big global challenges we should see this moment as an opportunity to shift our focus as an industry from benchmarks to the benefits and impacts of the technology that we create the pandemic has underscored the need for technology to be purposeful so it can meet these evolving business and consumer needs and this requires a customer obsessed mindset to stay close anticipate those leads and develop solutions in this mindset the goal is to ensure we are optimizing for a stronger impact that will support and accelerate positive business and societal benefits around the globe this is a mission our collective global industry can rally around across the ecosystem in now more than ever we'll all have an increasing sense of responsibility not just for the products we make but the role we play in the world and our ability to make a difference we need to create a more inclusive tech industry that is laser focused on building technologies that advance progress in critical areas like health safety and carbon neutral computing intel has already begun this computing intel has already begun this work by utilizing our size scale and cope across the ecosystem to enable impact that spans nearly every industry we aim to help grow in advance a technology business in order to join hands with the broader industry and help drive true impact to people around the world for example earlier this year we introduced our 5g portfolio to help industry wide network transformation in a few weeks time we'll be announcing a new data center product and platform with Cooper Lake that will further our leadership in AI also we continue to drive our strategy to lead in the projected sixty five billion dollar intelligent edge opportunity and later this summer will introduce Tiger Lake and cement our position as the undisputed leader in mobile computing and PC innovation this is a moment for our industry to come together Trading technology that enriches lives that creates value and supports accelerate its positive business and societal benefits should be our collective goal in closing I encourage you all to make the most of this virtual event and continue the tradition of Computex for driving future innovation we look forward to more collaboration with our Taiwan ecosystem partners and titrant in the future stay safe and well and thank you