Názor k článku Unreal Engine 4 dostává podporu pro ray tracingové efekty a vykreslování ve hrách od Maudit - HWUnboxed, alias youtube kanal Techspotu :D U tech...

  • 19. 2. 2019 12:33

    Maudit (neregistrovaný)

    HWUnboxed, alias youtube kanal Techspotu :D U tech anti-Nvidia trollu bych se ani nedivil, kdyby to prohnali pres nejakej filtr, aby to zamerne zhorsili.

    "Vegetation and trees have long been a headache for 3D artists as making the perfect tree or bush requires an unreal poly count, and in most scenarios, branches and twigs in trees flicker on screen because there aren't enough pixels to correctly draw all of them. DLSS helps a great deal here since the trees look more natural."

    Takze asi tak k posuzovani DLSS z youtube videa, jeste navic z totalne anti-Nvidia webu.

    A jasne, implementace DLSS v BF V zatim neni tak ostra, jak by mohla, zvlast v nizsich rozlisenich. Resi ale zda se radu jinych problemu a dalsi trenovani te site ma potencial prinest velke pokroky, zatimco z TAA uz tezko neco vytriskas.