Odpovídáte na názor k článku Velký průšvih s procesory Intel? Prý se tajně chystá bezpečnostní patch snižující výkon. Názory mohou přidávat pouze registrovaní uživatelé.
Maudit: ale není.
V tom článku, který odkazuješ, se jasně píše, že na Meltdown není AMD náchylné.
Náchylnost je až na útok Spectre, který je ovšem "další level" - nejedná se o chybu v pravém slova smyslu, ale o zneužití funkce out-of-order exekuce (ne že by to taky nebyl průšvih, ale nemá to přímou souvislost s chybou v Intelích CPU).
"Meltdown [27] is a related microarchitectural attack
which exploits out-of-order execution in order to leak
the target’s physical memory. Meltdown is distinct from
Spectre Attacks in two main ways. First, unlike Spectre,
Meltdown does not use branch prediction for achieving
speculative execution. Instead, it relies on the observa-
tion that when an instruction causes a trap, following in-
structions that were executed out-of-order are aborted.
Second, Meltdown exploits a privilege escalation vulner-
ability specific to Intel processors, due to which specula-
tively executed instructions can bypass memory protec-
tion. Combining these issues, Meltdown accesses kernel
memory from user space. This access causes a trap, but
before the trap is issued, the code that follows the ac-
cess leaks the contents of the accessed memory through
a cache channel.
Unlike Meltdown, the Spectre attack works on non-
Intel processors, including AMD and ARM processors.
Furthermore, the KAISER patch [19], which has been
widely applied as a mitigation to the Meltdown attack,
does not protect against Spectre."