"We essentially moved Direct3D 12. We built that into the command processor of the GPU and what that means is that, for all the high frequency API invocations that the games do, they'll all natively implemented in the logic of the command processor-and what this means is that our communication from the game to the GPU is super-efficient,"
"Most interesting unexpected thing for me was that they "moved the DX12 API into hardware", supposedly having dedicated hardware for draw calls, reducing DX12 load on the CPU by half "
"Roll call instructions on the CPU that would typically require thousands of instructions are now reduced to just 11."
"State changes that are also heavy on CPU are now cut down to just 9. Microsoft tells me that this custom hardware automation should cut CPU workload by half on titles built on DirectX 12 renderers."
90% her vychází jako multiplatformní. O zbývajících 10% se teda dělí exkluzivity obou "hlavních" konzolí. Nintendisti prominou, mají exkluzivit nejvíc, ale chybí tam ty multiplatformní pecky. PS4 jich má o polovinu víc než XBOX, takže 6%, XBOX 4%. Takže na PS4 je o 2% víc her, než na XBOX.
Páni, ten XBOX je fakt mrtvá platforma.