Afterburner 1.6 umí GTX 400 a mnoho nového

8. 6. 2010


 Autor: Redakce

MSI Afterburner je díky neustálému vývoji a převzetí dobrých myšlenek z eVGA Precision už možná populárnější než software, z něhož vychází: RivaTuner. Verze 1.6.0 přináší opravdu rozsáhlý seznam změn, k většině jste se mohli případně dostat zkoušením dříve dostupných betaverzí. MSI Afterburner distribuuje v archivu RAR, v němž najdete také MSI Kombustor. To je zase pro změnu vylepšený FurMark. Při troše štěstí se vám podaří taktovací a sledovací utilitu Afterburner se zátěžovým Kombustorem propojit (tlačítko K v horní části okna Afterburneru).

Seznam změn si dovolím ponechat v originále (přiloženo v dolní části aktuality), česky vytáhnu jen to podstatné:

  • podpora celé série GeForce GTX 400
  • screenshoty z 3D lze pomocí zkratkové klávesy típat do JPG, PNG a BMP
  • podpora logování (historie) hardware monitoringu
  • on-screen display už i v DirectX 11
  • ...

Zdroj informací a odkaz ke stažení: MSI Afterburner
na balík včetně Kombustoru)

[Afterburner v1.6.0 Changelog]

bitcoin školení listopad 24

  • Added NVIDIA GeForce GTX 400 series
    graphics cards support (including voltage control!)
  • Added voltage control for MSI N240GT Low Profile series
    graphics cards
  • Changed marketing name for MSI R5670-PD512 in hardware database
  • Added basic screen capture support by means of built-in screen
    capture engine of MSI On-Screen Display server. Now it is possible to
    assign the hotkey for capturing screenshots in BMP,PNG or JPG formats on
    desktop, in DirectX or in OpenGL applications
  • Added hardware monitoring history logging support. Now MSI
    Afterburner is able to save history in native RivaTuner Hardware
    Monitoring Log file format. The log files captured with MSI Afterburner
    can be viewed in any text editor like Notepad or in graphics form in
    RivaTuner's HML file viewer (RivaTuner must be installed for viewing log
    files in graphics form)
  • Added new safety option allowing forcing constant voltage on
    some cards with voltage regulators supporting programmable dynamic
    voltage management (e.g. VT1165 or uP6266). New safety option may
    improve stability on some systems a well as provide power state
    independent voltage control on the systems with non-standard voltage
    control implementation
  • Screen capture and On-Screen Display hotkey events are now
    being processed via direct connection to the On-Screen Display server
    instead of command line. Due to this change Screen capture and On-Screen
    Display visibility control hotkeys are being processed faster now
  • MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version
    3.7.1. New server gives you a lot of improvements including:
  • DirectX11 On-Screen Display and screen capture support
  • DirectX screen capture engine is no longer using DirectX
    runtimes to capture and compress screenshots. Screen capture and
    compression to PNG/JPG formats in DirectX applications is now handled by
    own more effective LIBPNG/JPEGLIB based library
  • PNG and JPG screen capture support for desktop and OpenGL
  • Adjustable JPG screen capture quality for experienced users
  • Screen capture support for DirectX10 and DirectX11 applications
    using multisampled antialiasing or non-standard frame buffer formats
    (e.g. sRGB)
  • Optional On-Screen Display 3D rendering mode. New mode uses 3D
    accelerated DirectX functions to emulate previously used 2D framebuffer
    access functions and render 2D text. New rendering mode provides
    On-Screen Display support in DirectX10 and DirectX11 applications using
    multisampled antialiasing and can also drastically reduce OSD related
    performance hit on the systems with badly optimized 2D acceleration in
    display drivers
  • Simplified On-Screen Display coordinate space settings. Rarely
    used desktop and window coordinate space modes have been merged into
    single framebuffer coordinate space mode
  • Now the server automatically selects framebuffer coordinate
    space instead of viewport coordinate space when viewport is not
    accessible (e.g. if pure Direct3D8 device is in use)
  • Improved application notification scheme during runtime
    profiles adjustment. Now runtime changes in OSD application profiles
    (e.g. OSD zoom ratio change on the fly) are reflected in affected
    application almost immedaitely instead of approximately 1 second delay
    in the previos versions
  • Reduced runtime skin engine memory footprint due to dynamic
    skin storage unloading
  • Improved race condition protection system for multithreaded 3D
    engines (e.g. Age of dragons : Origins and ArmA II)
  • Improved race condition protection system for the systems
    running multiple OSD applications simultaneously (e.g. OSD server, FRAPS
    and STEAM In-Game Chat)
  • Improved floating injection address hooking technology. Due to
    more advanced built-in code analyzer hooks can be injected deeper into
    3D application code if stealth mode is enabled. These changes improve
    stealth mode compatibility with third party tools using similar stealth
    injection technologies (e.g. FRAPS v2.9.8 and newer)
  • Now stealth mode cannot be toggled during 3D application
    runtime to reduce the risk of crashing 3D application
  • Removed single screen capture per second limitation
  • Updated profiles list
  • Now MSI Afterburner distributive includes original 128x128 PNG
    application logo (stored in .\Graphics folder) for dockbar applications
    like RocketDock or ObjectDock
  • It is no longer necessary to close the application to save
    monitoring window attachment state
  • [Stop the task if it runs longer than 3 days] option is no
    longer set in the task settings when using alternate startup mode via
    the task scheduler under Windows Vista / Windows 7
  • Full list active of On-Screen Display server clients is now
    displayed in window instead of the most recent client
  • Floating tooltips help system is now reinitialized
    properly after runtime skin switching
  • Added Ukrainian localization

[Kombustor v1.0.10 Changelog]

  • Bugfix: when PCB1 temperature was
    enabled in Afterburner OSD, the PCB temperature was copied in GPU
  • Bugfix: in ATI cards indexing. The sorting is now the same than
  • Bugfix: config file was not properly loaded when Kombustor is
    launched from Afterburner.


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